Internal API
Internal Types
- group nomp_internal_types
Internal types (structures and enums) used by libnomp.
struct nomp_config_t
- #include <nomp-impl.h>
Structure to keep track of nomp runtime configuration.
Public Members
int platform
ID of the platform to be used for the backend. This is only used when the backend is OpenCL.
int device
ID of the device to be used with the backend.
int verbose
Verbose level to be used for displaying log messages.
int profile
Turn profiling on or off.
char backend[NOMP_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]
Name of the backend to be used (OpenCL, CUDA, etc.).
char install_dir[PATH_MAX + 1]
Installed directory of the library.
char scripts_dir[PATH_MAX + 1]
Directory where transform and annotations scripts are located.
char annotations_script[NOMP_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]
Name of the annotation script.
int platform
struct nomp_arg_t
- #include <nomp-impl.h>
Structure to keep track of arguments (variables) of a nomp program (nomp_prog_t).
Public Members
char name[NOMP_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]
Name of the argument (respective variable name in C).
size_t size
Size of the argument given by sizeof() operator.
nomp_arg_type_t type
Type of the argument (one of nomp_arg_type_t).
void *ptr
Pointer to the argument.
char name[NOMP_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]
struct nomp_prog_t
- #include <nomp-impl.h>
Structure to keep track of nomp program.
Public Members
unsigned nargs
Number of arguments of the kernel.
nomp_arg_t *args
Pointer to the arguments of the kernel.
unsigned ndim
Dimension of kernel launch parameters.
CVecBasic *sym_global
SymEngine expressions of kernel launch parameters as a vector.
int eval_grid
Flag used to determine if the grid size should be evaluated or not.
CMapBasicBasic *map
Map of variable names and their values used to evaluate the kernel launch parameters.
size_t global[3]
Evaluated value of kernel launch parameters (re-evaluated if the input changes).
void *bptr
Pointer to keep track of backend specific data for the active backend.
int reduction_index
Index of the reduction argument if one exists.
nomp_reduction_op_t reduction_op
Reduction operation to be performed.
nomp_arg_type_t reduction_type
Type of the reduction variable.
int reduction_size
Size of the reduction variable given by sizeof().
void *reduction_ptr
Pointer to the reduction variable.
PyObject *py_dict
Dictionary to hold jit argument names and values.
unsigned nargs
struct nomp_mem_t
- #include <nomp-impl.h>
Structure to keep track of memory allocated by the backend.
struct nomp_backend
- #include <nomp-impl.h>
Structure to keep track of nomp runtime data and backend specific data. This structure is also used to dispatch backend specific functions.
Public Members
int (*update)(struct nomp_backend*, nomp_mem_t*, const nomp_map_direction_t op, size_t start, size_t end, size_t usize)
Function pointer to the backend update function which can allocate, update and free backend memory.
int (*knl_build)(struct nomp_backend*, nomp_prog_t*, const char*, const char*)
Function pointer to the backend kernel build function.
int (*knl_run)(struct nomp_backend*, nomp_prog_t*)
Function pointer to the backend kernel run function.
int (*knl_free)(nomp_prog_t*)
Function pointer to the backend kernel free function.
int (*sync)(struct nomp_backend*)
Function pointer to the backend synchronization function.
int (*finalize)(struct nomp_backend*)
Function pointer to the backend finalize function which releases allocated resources.
nomp_mem_t scratch
Scratch memory to be used as temporary memory for kernels (like reductions)
PyObject *py_annotate
Python function object which will be called to perform annotations.
PyObject *py_context
Context info is used to pass necessary information to kernel transformations and annotations.
void *bptr
Pointer to keep track of backend specific data. This is allocated and released by the backend.
int (*update)(struct nomp_backend*, nomp_mem_t*, const nomp_map_direction_t op, size_t start, size_t end, size_t usize)
struct nomp_config_t
Internal Macros
- group nomp_internal_macros
Internal macros used in libnomp.
Macro to mark unused variables. Used to avoid
warning. This is required since some backend functions may not use all the arguments defined in the function signature.
Check if nomp API return value is an error. In case of an error, non-zero error code is returned to the user. Otherwise, the return value is zero.
- Parameters
err – [in] Return value from nomp API.
Memory Management Functions and Macros
- group nomp_mem_utils
Helper macro for deallocating or freeing a memory block using nomp_free_(). File name and line number are passed implicitly.
- Parameters
p – Address of the pointer to the memory to deallocate.
- Returns
nomp_calloc(T, count)
Helper macro for allocating an array in memory with elements initialized to 0 using nomp_calloc_(). File name and line number are passed implicitly.
- Parameters
T – Type of element.
count – Number of elements.
- Returns
Pointer of type T.
nomp_realloc(ptr, T, count)
Helper macro for reallocating memory blocks using nomp_realloc_(). File name and line number are passed implicitly.
- Parameters
ptr – Pointer to the memory area to be reallocated.
T – Type of element.
count – Number of elements.
- Returns
Pointer of type T
static inline nomp_mem_t *nomp_get_memory_if_mapped(void *p)
Returns the nomp_mem object corresponding to host pointer
.Returns the nomp_mem object corresponding to host ponter
. If no buffer has been allocated forp
on the device, returns NULL.- Parameters
p – [in] Host pointer
- Returns
Backend Initialization Functions
- group nomp_backend_init
Functions for initializing different backend as OpenCL, CUDA, etc. These have to be refactored to handle the case when the backend is not available.
int opencl_init(nomp_backend_t *bnd, const int platform_id, const int device_id)
Initializes OpenCL backend with the specified platform and device.
Initializes OpenCL backend while creating a command queue using the given platform id and device id. Returns a negative value if an error occurred during the initialization, otherwise returns 0.
- Parameters
bnd – [in] Target backend for code generation.
platform_id – [in] Target platform id.
device_id – [in] Target device id.
- Returns
int opencl_init(nomp_backend_t *bnd, const int platform_id, const int device_id)
Python Helper Functions
- group nomp_py_utils
Python helper functions for calling loopy and other python functions.
int nomp_py_init(const nomp_config_t *const cfg)
Initialize the nomp python interface.
- Parameters
cfg – [in] Nomp configuration struct of type nomp_config_t.
- Returns
int nomp_py_append_to_sys_path(const char *path)
Appends specified path to system path.
- Parameters
path – [in] Path to be appended to system path.
- Returns
int nomp_py_c_to_loopy(PyObject **kernel, const char *src)
Creates loopy kernel from C source.
- Parameters
kernel – [out] Loopy Kernel object.
src – [in] C kernel source.
- Returns
int nomp_py_realize_reduction(PyObject **kernel, const char *const variable, const PyObject *const py_context)
Realize reductions if one is present in the kernel.
- Parameters
kernel – [inout] Loopy kernel object.
variable – [in] Name of the reduction variable as a C-string.
py_context – [in] Python dictionary with context information.
- Returns
int nomp_py_transform(PyObject **kernel, const char *const file, const char *function, const PyObject *const context)
Apply kernel specific user transformations on a loopy kernel.
Call the user transform function
in filefile
on the loopy kernelkernel
will be modified based on the transformations. Python file (module) must reside on nomp scripts directory which is set using--nomp-scripts-dir
option or environment variableNOMP_SCRIPTS_DIR
. Function will return a non-zero value if there was an error. Non-zero return value can be used to query the error code using nomp_get_err_no() and error message using nomp_get_err_str().- Parameters
kernel – [inout] Pointer to loopy kernel object.
file – [in] Name of the file containing transform function
.function – [in] Name of the transform function.
context – [in] Context (as a Python dictionary) to pass around information such as backend, device details, etc.
- Returns
int nomp_py_get_knl_name_and_src(char **name, char **src, const PyObject *kernel)
Get kernel name and generated source for the backend.
- Parameters
name – [out] Kernel name as a C-string.
src – [out] Kernel source as a C-string.
kernel – [in] Loopy kernel object.
- Returns
int nomp_py_set_annotate_func(PyObject **annotate_func, const char *file)
Set the annotate function based on the path to annotation script and function.
- Parameters
annotate_func – [out] Pointer to the annotate function.
file – [in] Name of the annotation script.
- Returns
int nomp_py_annotate(PyObject **kernel, PyObject *const function, const PyObject *const annotations, const PyObject *const context)
Apply transformations on a loopy kernel based on annotations.
Apply the transformations to the loopy kernel
based on the annotation functionfunction
and the key value pairs (annotations) passed inannotations
will be modified based on the transformations.- Parameters
kernel – [inout] Pointer to loopy kernel object.
function – [in] Function which performs transformations based on annotations.
annotations – [in] Annotations (as a PyDict) to specify which transformations to apply.
context – [in] Context (as a PyDict) to pass around information such as backend, device details, etc.
- Returns
int nomp_py_get_grid_size(nomp_prog_t *prg, PyObject *kernel)
Get global and local grid sizes as
expressions.Grid sizes are stored in the program object itself.
- Parameters
prg – [in] Nomp program object.
kernel – [in] Python kernel object.
- Returns
int nomp_py_fix_parameters(PyObject **kernel, const PyObject *py_dict)
Fix the arguments which were marked as
in the kernel.- Parameters
kernel – [inout] Python kernel object.
py_dict – [in] Dictionary containing jit argument names and values.
- Returns
int nomp_py_finalize(int interpreter)
Finalize the nomp python interface.
- Parameters
interpreter – [in] If true, finalize the python interpreter.
- Returns
int nomp_symengine_update(CMapBasicBasic *map, const char *key, const long val)
Map the keys and values to evaluate the kernel launch parameters.
- Parameters
map – [in] SymEngine object map.
key – [in] Key as a C-string.
val – [in] Value as a C-string.
- Returns
int nomp_symengine_eval_grid_size(nomp_prog_t *prg)
Evaluate global and local grid sizes based on the dictionary
.- Parameters
prg – [in] Nomp program.
- Returns
int nomp_py_init(const nomp_config_t *const cfg)
Logging Functions
- group nomp_log_utils
Internal functions used for logging.
nomp_log(errorno, type, ...)
Log an error, warning or an info message. Use this instead of using the nomp_log_() function directly.
- Parameters
errorno – Error number (One of Error codes returned to the user. used only when type is an error).
type – Log type one of nomp_log_type_t.
... – Log message as a C-string followed by arguments.
int nomp_log_set_verbose(const unsigned verbose_in)
Set the verbose level for the log functions.
- Parameters
verbose_in – [in] Verbose level provided by the user.
- Returns
int nomp_log_(const char *description, int errorno, nomp_log_type_t type, ...)
Register a log with libnomp runtime.
Register a log given a description of the log, error number and log type. This function returns a unique id if the log type is an error and this can be used to query the error log. If the log type is an information or a warning, nomp_log() returns 0 and
is printed to stdout based on the verbose level (which is set by either —nomp-verbose command line argument or NOMP_VERBOSE environment variable) and not recorded by the libnomp runtime. Also, theerrorno
is ignored if the log type is not an error. On failure, nomp_log_() returns -1. Use nomp_log() macro without calling this function directly.- Parameters
description – [in] Detailed description of the log.
errorno – [in] Log number which is defined in nomp.h
type – [in] Type of the log (one of nomp_log_type_t)
- Returns
void nomp_log_finalize(void)
Free variables used to keep track of logs.
- Returns
nomp_log(errorno, type, ...)
Profiling Functions
- group nomp_profiler_utils
Internal functions for profiling.
int nomp_profile_set_level(const int profile_level_in)
Set the profile level for the nomp profiler.
- Parameters
profile_level_in – [in] Profile level provided by the user.
- Returns
void nomp_profile(const char *name, const int toggle, const int sync)
Toggles the timer and records the execution time between the two consecutive uses of the function.
The function either starts or ends the timer by considering the toggle value. The function will start the timer if the toggle is 1. Else, it will capture the execution time and records in a log.
nomp_profile("Entry Name", 1, nomp.profile, 1); // Code to be measured nomp_profile("Entry Name", 0, nomp.profile, 1);
- Parameters
name – [in] Name of the execution time that is being profiled.
toggle – [in] Toggles the timer between tick (start of timing) and a tock (end of timing).
sync – [in] Execute nomp_sync when toggling off the timer.
- Returns
void nomp_profile_result(void)
Prints all the execution times recorded by the program. This function is executed only when the
is provided.- Returns
void nomp_profile_finalize(void)
Free variables used to keep track of time logs.
- Returns
int nomp_profile_set_level(const int profile_level_in)
Other helper Functions
- group nomp_other_utils
Various helper functions used internally by libnomp core library.
char *nomp_str_cat(unsigned n, unsigned max_len, ...)
strings and returns a pointer to the resulting string. Each string should be at mostmax_len
length long. User has to free memory allocated for the resulting string using nomp_free().- Parameters
n – [in] Number of strings to concatenate.
max_len – [in] Maximum length of an individual string.
... – [in] Strings to concatenate.
- Returns
int nomp_str_toui(const char *str, size_t size)
Try to convert input string
to an non-negative integer value.Convert input string
to an non-negative int value. Returns converted non-negative int value if successful, otherwise return -1.size
denotes the maximum length of the stringstr
.- Parameters
str – [in] String to convert into unsigned int.
size – [in] Length of the string.
- Returns
int nomp_max(unsigned n, ...)
Returns the maximum among all integers passed.
Returns the maximum between
integers.- Parameters
n – [in] Total number of integers.
... – [in] List of integers.
- Returns
char *nomp_copy_env(const char *name, size_t size)
Get a copy of the environment variable value if it exists.
Get a copy of the value of the environment variable
as a string if it is defined. Return NULL if the environment variable is not set.size
is the maximum length of the string. User must free the memory allocated for the resulting string using nomp_free().- Parameters
name – [in] Name of the environment variable.
size – [in] Maximum length of the environment variable value.
- Returns
char *
int nomp_path_len(size_t *len, const char *path)
Returns the length of a posix complaint path.
is not NULL, it is set to the length of thepath
if thepath
length resolution was successful. Otherwise, it is set to zero. On success, the function returns zero. Otherwise, it returns an error id which can be used to query the error id and string using nomp_get_err_str() and nomp_get_err_no().- Parameters
len – [out] Lenth of path specified in
.path – [in] Path to get the maximum length.
- Returns
int nomp_py_check_module(const char *module, const char *function)
Check if the given python module and function exist.
Check if there is python function
exist in the python modulemodule
. Returns 0 if both module and function exist, otherwise returns an error id which can beused to query the error id and string using nomp_get_err_str() and nomp_get_err_no(). Themodule
should be provided without the “.py” extension.- Parameters
module – [in] Python module name without the “.py” extension.
function – [in] Python function name.
- Returns
char *nomp_str_cat(unsigned n, unsigned max_len, ...)